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    If you want to get the latest information about Acoo Browser, please visit Acoo Browser Homepage on the web. You can also download latest version of Acoo Browser at the homepage.

    Please send any bug report, suggestion, question and comment to the author at following address:

    If you have any problems with Acoo Browser please read: to see if there is no answer to your question.

    If you want to discuss anything about our browser with others,please land our forum:

    give your good suggestions and so on.

    If you didn't find an answer to your question in these documents, describe your problem to our acoobrowser@gmail.comsupport team. Please make sure to include the following:

    For installation problems:
    • Acoo Browser version (can be found in Help/About...).
    • Which OS are you running?
    • When did you install Acoo Browser first time?
    • Detailed (step-by-step) description of the error or what happened.
    For running Acoo Browser problems:
    • How do you connect to the Internet (through modem/local network/ADSL/etc.)?
    • Acoo Browser version (can be found in Help/About...).
    • Which OS are you running?
    • When did you install Acoo Browser first time?
    • Detailed (step-by-step) description of the error or what happened. How often does the problem repeat?
    Please note, that currently we can answer ONLY English email messages.

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